
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Some weekends are created more equal than others.

Iv arrived at Sunday evening and am pretty content on this past weekend.
Managed to watch max kick arse while the heavens opened above us, awoke up 4 minutes after the time i was ment to be at work, awoke 540am on a sunday to watch footy in a pub(WC), wandered the rose gardens looking at things i usually wouldn't, wandered the frenchy markets of the nelly and put marshmallows in my mocha, had an epic time of being incapable of kicking the ball where i wanted it (in the goal) at footy, dyed my hair for the 2nd time in my life, made some wicked choco muffins for my lunches and hung with my big sissy and 3 highly excitable wee kiddies whom max n i offer great climbing frames for.

Now i shell read 'The Politics of happiness' and hopefully awake a happy purple head in the morning.

Studs about to head out on their maiden voyage. . . they loved the mud that was awaiting em

Max rocking Caths head band. I really really like this shot

Max playing with my camera on the way to my game. Lotsa rain!

Lone lil dude. He was my fave

nom nom nom nom

Upside down world

Some things really just stick out. I admired this rose for its willingness to to be different

Absolutely bucketed down while at the markets, this left a colorful streak through the sky.