
Sunday, October 3, 2010

photos from the days of old

Been sifting and living the life of a couch surfing hobo reading books, drinking coffee, eating cocktails for breakfast while taking photos here and there, helping peeps move shop and doing the odd 70 km race through the city. Not much too exciting really.

Life is grand. . .except right now cause i just ate some burrito and ice cream so feeling like a pig.

Chas and brie. Very cool peeps whom im staying with kinda (complicated (in a san fran way)
Phil woods. If i was part of the CGK i would have ji%#ed in my pants
$5 book and a MASSIVE shawarma

= expensive place to dine. . .i like the sign
photo of a building which i thought looked cool
gate to the crib (just figured out how to open it first go rather than standing there for several minutes giggling it)
I gots the POWERRR (not really, i gots the full belly)
from front door of current crib
apppppparently i HAD to have one of these. A San Fran MUSTDO
Tastes delish. . . . must be all the corn syrup and pine oil (i noted this post nom nom)
Helping sarah from PUSHBIKE move shop
moving shop

the new hang out for PUSHBIKE
1130 am. . . breakfast (please note the healthy water;) )

some concoction that emily (san fran personality) made me a one of the hang outs
Emily at the 500 club. . . made me feel on holiday
She gets best quote of the trip "can you tan?"
