
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

TODAYS random rant

Today is October the 13th 2010.
On this day i learnt a lot.

It all started when i got out of the wrong side of the bed after awaking 10 minutes before my alarm to a sore elbow. So far i have floated through the day offering much of nothing to anyone around me besides American lollies and a somewhat vacant presence. I guess some days really are less equal than others and today by far takes the cake. But on this day i have learnt that though i have managed to offer my study team very little they are still willing to work on through, giving me smiles and laughs while i float aimlessly about trying to find direction. That sitting and listening to the others hassle each other in studio is something i will cherish and appreciate cause one day i will be without it. That american licorice lollies leave $&*# taste in your mouth. That one should keep their mouth shut before they know the whole story. That getting your hopes up(really really high) just to be let down on days like today will leave you worse off than where you started. That the simplest message from a long lost sister can really tug the heart strings and offer a glimmer of sunshine in a somewhat gloomy day. Rob will tell you off for swearing each and EVERY time you do (i asked him to tell me off when i do). . . and i learnt i swear too much. That 2 months worth of bills comes to about $170 bucks. That I don't always have to ride my bike, the bus home only costs $1.80 and is very full at 5pm.

I also learnt that one is permitted a crappy day now n then and that there isn't always a solution besides accepting it for what it is.

Today was SH%T. Indeed it was.

BUT for some silly reason i am glad
