This morning i woke and then had another nap so didn't leave the crib till 1130am, weather was 34 degrees and i knew it! man its warm. Rode about the city doing cool free touristy stuff while adding to my sunburn.
Easiest way to re fold a map= differently
Entertaining myself
I get bored of photos. . .to i spice em up a bit!
Found some trails to whip out some MTBing on

Sat and read in shakespear garden. . . beautiful and there was a cute lil squirrel running around

Sat and read in shakespear garden. . . beautiful and there was a cute lil squirrel running around
Only rings of fire around here. . .
I left my lil dude behind by accident. . BUT on return 1/2 hour later he was still there
For in the likely case one might want to take a golden sh@% on the not so golden bridge

Riveting stuff

Riveting stuff
Surfer waiting on the swell to round the corner!! i watched for ages it was coooool
Pity im scared of water