

Hmm something about me...

I ride bikes and have possibly ridden one every day since I was 13.. These nifty contraptions have seen me all over the globe in some form of race or another.
Since the age of 13 I have raced Road, track, BMX, XC, DH, Fixies, Polo... you name it, probably done it (unicycles suck!)

This isn't to brag.. this is more to prove my lack of attention span :P

Ever since I can remember creativity has coursed through my veins along with the blood that fuels by 'special' beating heart. Due to these practical/creative tendencies I studied Industrial design in NZ and Germany which later landed me a job managing the 3D Printing Lab at AUT Univertity. This is where most of my creative items come from.

Bikes are my longest relationship
Having amazing people in my life
Chocolate loves me
I love NZ nectarines
Confrontation = I'M OUTA HERE
Happiness is a decision
Some decisions are hard to make
"It never gets easier, you just go faster"
