
Thursday, September 30, 2010

today. . .errr day 4?

one morning in san fran. . . .
Chas (dude in blue) one of the founders of TBC courier service and one giving me a couch to surf upon. . . their 1st year anniversary (TBC), mmm nothing like champagne from a glass

can you spot it?
tim whites!!
markers. . . .mmmmm only $2.40 (my studio buddies will understand)
these bottle are BIG. . . . its cheep to be an alco here

chillen reading in duboce park
i heart dogs. . .and i get the feeling they like me

dog stoke my banana skin. . .mustive tasted delish. . .
PUSHBIKE apparel and stuffs
Sarah aka murder (there is a story to the name. . .but that doesn't matter cause it makes her cooler)
no i dont
vodka and something mid day while chillen with sarah at push bike. . . about a 1/9 ratio. . . TOXICCCCC. They drink alot here. . .
i like this sign. . mission skate boards share space with pushbike

art supply warehouse. . . .makes me happy
mean cofffffeeee spot around the corner

my current crash pad. . .never felt so at home
5 couriers live here ( i think, very topsy turvy place)

ben and jerrys F%$# YEA!!